Hola a tod@s! Que tal vuestro fin de semana? El mío ha pesar de la lluvia y el temporal ha ido fenomenal! Hoy os enseño uno de los looks que más he usado estas últimas semanas, con el abrigo rojo y los 'jeans' rockeros de Zara como prendas "estrella" del combo. El abrigo es totalmente atemporal y da un toque ideal de color al outfit que me encanta! Los 'jeans' son la típica prenda que dudas si comprar o no, yo decidí comprarmelos y no me arrepiento en absoluto! Las botas de Pull&Bear, muchas ya las conoceréis o las tendréis en vuestro armario, son una prenda que combina a la perfección con todo, y, en este look me ha parecido que quedan totalmente ideales! Muchos besos a tod@s! Disfrutad de la semana y de los pequeños momentos! Nos vemos pronto!

Hello everyone! How was your weekend? Mine has despite the rain and the storm has gone phenomenal! Today I show you one of the most used looks these past weeks, with the red coat and the Zara rocker jeans as "star" garments of the combo. The coat is totally timeless and gives an ideal color touch to the outfit I love! The 'jeans' are the typical garment that doubts whether to buy or not, I decided to buy them and I do not regret it at all! The boots of Pull & Bear many you will already know them or you will have them in your closet they are a garment that perfectly combines with everything, and, in this look I found that they are totally ideal! Many kisses to everyone! Enjoy the week and the little moments! See you soon!

Zara coat, shirt & jeans, Pull&Bear sunglasses and boots & Bimba&Lola bag

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