Pull&Bear jacket, Zara T-shirt, Primark jeans, Quicksilver shoes & Daniel Wellington watch

Las fiestas se han acabado y a la mayoría de nosotros nos viene esa sensación amarga de volver a la rutina, de hacer lo mismo de siempre. Pero eso tampoco debe ser motivo para no sonreír. A veces, solemos creer como necios que todos los días son iguales, muchos solemos pensar: "Pero que aburrida que es mi vida!" Yo creo firmemente que eso ocurre porque no solemos fijarnos en los pequeños detalles. Os propongo hacer algo nuevo cada día, id a un bar distinto con vuestros amigos, leed un libro, practicad un nuevo deporte... Estoy seguro que si lo hacéis, esa "rutina" tan aburrida, se convertirá en algo emocionante! Que tengáis un gran finde!

The festivities have already finished most of us comes the bitter feeling of returning to the routine of doing the same old thing . But that should not be a reason not to smile . Sometimes , we tend to believe as fools who every day are equal , many tend to think , "But that my life is boring ! " I firmly believe that is because we do not usually look at the small details. I propose to do something new every day , go to a different bar with your friends , read a book , practice a new sport ... I 'm sure if you do, that "routine" so boring , will become exciting! May you have a great weekend!

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1 comentarios

  1. Nice outfit. Definitely likeing the Daniel Wellington watch. Think I may invest in one of those as I would wear it to death!

    Isobel x
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