Hay momentos en la vida en los cuales te das cuenta de que cosas que pensabas que estaban bien, están mal, y de cosas que pensabas que estaban mal y están bien. Vivimos en una sociedad de cambio constante, de romper tabúes y de cada vez ser más libres. Pero aunque no lo creamos, romper unos tabúes crea otros. Nosotros nos sentimos libres una vez los rompemos, a su vez, otra gente se siente apresada al sentirse en la minoría que aceptaba y sentía esas "autoprohibiciones". Nos hemos planteado alguna vez si, ¿con la imposición de lo que nosotros entendemos por libertad no estaremos anulando, censurando y oprimiendo a otras personas? La vida es así, una vez que crees que lo entiendes todo llega otro punto de vista que te lo cambia, y pasas de entenderlo todo a no saber nada. Para que esto avance y todos seamos libres tan sólo debemos tener como verdad absoluta una sola cosa, no existe ninguna verdad absoluta.
There are times in life when you realize that things you thought were right, are wrong, and things that you thought were wrong and, are right. We live in a society of constant change, of breaking taboos and becoming more and more free. But even if we do not believe it, breaking some taboos creates others. We feel free once we break them, in turn, other people feel trapped to feel in the minority that accepted and felt those "self-prohibitions." Have we ever considered whether, with the imposition of what we mean by liberty, we will not be nullifying, censoring, and oppressing other people? Life is like this, once you think you understand everything, another point of view changes you, and you go from understanding everything to knowing nothing. In order for this to progress and all of us be free, we must have only one truth as absolute truth, there is no absolute truth.
Pull&Bear T shirt and sunglasses, Zara pants & Vans sneakers
There are times in life when you realize that things you thought were right, are wrong, and things that you thought were wrong and, are right. We live in a society of constant change, of breaking taboos and becoming more and more free. But even if we do not believe it, breaking some taboos creates others. We feel free once we break them, in turn, other people feel trapped to feel in the minority that accepted and felt those "self-prohibitions." Have we ever considered whether, with the imposition of what we mean by liberty, we will not be nullifying, censoring, and oppressing other people? Life is like this, once you think you understand everything, another point of view changes you, and you go from understanding everything to knowing nothing. In order for this to progress and all of us be free, we must have only one truth as absolute truth, there is no absolute truth.
Pull&Bear T shirt and sunglasses, Zara pants & Vans sneakers