La sesión de hoy es de hace unas semanas, pero parece que haya sido una eternidad. Además, el cambio de tiempo tan brusco que hemos tenido ayuda bastante a ello. El outfit que os enseño hoy es muy parecido al del anterior post, simplemente se han cambiado prendas, añadido detalles e invertido colores. Tuve bastantes dudas de si hacer este post, pues las diferencias entre uno y otro no son muy grandes, además de que uno va justo después de otro. Lo que me llevó a decidirme fue estar unas cuantas horas ojeando el blog, viendo sesiones y posts de hace meses; Eso me hizo darme cuenta de que el estilo es algo muy personal, algo muy personal que va cambiando con el tiempo, por ello me pareció esencial dejar plasmados los outfits que utilizo diariamente, por muy parecidos que sean. Lo más acertado no es tener tan sólo una manera de vestirse, sino de tener muchas, combinarlas y experimentar.
Today's session is a few weeks ago, but it seems like an eternity. In addition, the change of time so abrupt that we have had enough help to it. The outfit I teach you today is very similar to the previous post, simply changed garments, added details and inverted colors. I had a lot of doubts about whether to do this post, because the differences between one and the other are not very large, plus one goes right after another. What made me decide was to spend a few hours browsing the blog, seeing sessions and posts from months ago; That made me realize that the style is something very personal, something very personal that changes over time, so I found it essential to leave the outfits I use every day, no matter how similar they are. The best thing is not to have just one way of dressing, but to have many, to combine and experiment.
Pull&Bear jacket, jeans and bandanas, Pigalle hoodie, Nike sneakers, RayBan sunglasses and Cayler&Sons bag
Today's session is a few weeks ago, but it seems like an eternity. In addition, the change of time so abrupt that we have had enough help to it. The outfit I teach you today is very similar to the previous post, simply changed garments, added details and inverted colors. I had a lot of doubts about whether to do this post, because the differences between one and the other are not very large, plus one goes right after another. What made me decide was to spend a few hours browsing the blog, seeing sessions and posts from months ago; That made me realize that the style is something very personal, something very personal that changes over time, so I found it essential to leave the outfits I use every day, no matter how similar they are. The best thing is not to have just one way of dressing, but to have many, to combine and experiment.
Pull&Bear jacket, jeans and bandanas, Pigalle hoodie, Nike sneakers, RayBan sunglasses and Cayler&Sons bag
Como los lagartos, aparezco cuando vuelve el buen tiempo. ¡Hola a tod@s de nuevo! Se nota que el invierno está pasando a un segundo plano, que los días son cada vez un poquito más largos y que al sol le apetece salir más veces que antes. Yo no podría estar más encantado, el invierno tiene su encanto sí, pero a la hora de realizar una sesión no hay nada como un buen día de sol. Los carnavales se terminan y la primavera se acerca, y como cada año, mis carnavales han tenido de todo(si me seguís en Instagram lo sabréis bien). Son esos momentos que ocurren sólo una vez al año y los cuales, en la víspera de 2018 recuerdas y dices, este ha sido un gran año. Feliz semana a tod@s, no os agobieis y disfrutad de los buenos momentos! Buenas vibraciones!
Like lizards, I appear when the good weather returns. Hello everyone! Guys, you can tell that the winter is passing into the background, that the days are getting a little longer and that the sun wants to leave more times than before. I could not be more delighted, the winter has its charm yes, but when it comes to a session there is nothing like a good sunny day. Carnivals are finished and spring is approaching, and like every year, my carnivals have had everything (if you follow me on Instagram you will know it well). These are moments that occur only once a year and which, on the eve of 2018 you remember and say, this has been a great year. Happy week to everyone, do not get bored and enjoy the good times! Good vibrations!
Pull&Bear jacket, Thrasher hoodie, Dickies T-Shirt, H&M jeans, Vans sneakers & RayBan sunglasses
Like lizards, I appear when the good weather returns. Hello everyone! Guys, you can tell that the winter is passing into the background, that the days are getting a little longer and that the sun wants to leave more times than before. I could not be more delighted, the winter has its charm yes, but when it comes to a session there is nothing like a good sunny day. Carnivals are finished and spring is approaching, and like every year, my carnivals have had everything (if you follow me on Instagram you will know it well). These are moments that occur only once a year and which, on the eve of 2018 you remember and say, this has been a great year. Happy week to everyone, do not get bored and enjoy the good times! Good vibrations!
Pull&Bear jacket, Thrasher hoodie, Dickies T-Shirt, H&M jeans, Vans sneakers & RayBan sunglasses